Source code for airflow_plugins.operators.sensors.file_sensor

import logging
import os.path
import time
from datetime import datetime, timedelta

from airflow.exceptions import (
from airflow.hooks.S3_hook import S3Hook
from airflow.operators.sensors import BaseSensorOperator
from airflow.utils.decorators import apply_defaults
from pytz import timezone

from airflow_plugins.hooks import FTPHook
from airflow_plugins.operators import FileOperator
from airflow_plugins.operators.slack.notifications import send_notification

[docs]class FileSensor(BaseSensorOperator, FileOperator): """Check file presence on hook""" @apply_defaults def __init__( self, path, modified=None, notify_after=8*60*60, notify_delta=1*60*60, conn_id=None, *args, **kwargs): super(FileSensor, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.path = path self.modified = modified self._init_notification_variables(notify_after=notify_after, notify_delta=notify_delta) self.conn_id = conn_id def _init_notification_variables(self, **kwargs): self.last_notification = None for key, val in kwargs.items(): if isinstance(val, int): val = timedelta(seconds=val) setattr(self, key, val) def _send_notification(self, context, success=False): if self.notify_after is None: return ti = context['ti'] title = ti.task_id.upper() text_lines = [ 'Path: {}'.format(self.path), 'DAG: {}'.format(ti.dag_id), ] color = 'warning' if success: color = 'good' title += ' finally' * (self.last_notification is not None) title += ' succeeded :white_check_mark:' text = '\n'.join(text_lines)'Sending notification about exit.') send_notification(ti.get_dagrun(), text, title, color) return runtime = - ti.start_date if runtime >= self.notify_after: if (self.last_notification is None or runtime >= self.last_notification + self.notify_delta): title += ' is still waiting :redsiren:' runtime_str = str(runtime).split('.')[0] text = 'Still not finished after {}'.format(runtime_str) text = '\n'.join([text, *text_lines])'Sending notification about runtime.') send_notification(ti.get_dagrun(), text, title, color) self.last_notification = runtime def pre_execute(self, context): FileOperator.pre_execute(self, context) if self.modified is None: self.modified = context['ti'].start_date def floor_datetime(dt, precision): dt_items = ('microsecond', 'second', 'minute', 'hour', 'day') to_replace = dt_items[:dt_items.index(precision)] replaced = {item: 0 for item in to_replace} return dt.replace(**replaced) dt = context['ti'].start_date dt_day = floor_datetime(dt, 'day') if isinstance(self.modified, str): # H / D / W / M / A <==> start of: # hour / day / week / month / anytime modkey = self.modified[0].upper() for precision in ['hour', 'day']: if modkey == precision[0].upper(): self.modified = floor_datetime(dt, precision) break else: if modkey == 'W': # week start (Monday) self.modified = dt_day - timedelta(days=dt_day.weekday()) elif modkey == 'M': # month start (1st day) self.modified = dt_day - timedelta(days=( - 1)) elif modkey == 'A': # anytime -- exists self.modified = None else: raise AirflowException('Unable to devise modified time: {}' ' (supported: H / D / W / M / A)' .format(self.modified)) elif isinstance(self.modified, int): modkey = self.modified if modkey < 0: # subtract given number of days daydiff = abs(modkey) self.modified = dt_day - timedelta(days=daydiff) else: # modkey >= 0 # 1-7 <==> last Monday-Sunday (goes at most 6 days back) if not (1 <= self.modified <= 7): raise AirflowException('Unable to devise modified time: {}' ' (a weekday number expected, 1-7)' .format(self.modified)) weekday = dt.weekday() + 1 # datetime weekdays 0-6 daydiff = (weekday - modkey) % 7 self.modified = dt_day - timedelta(days=daydiff) def execute(self, context): started_at = while True: poke_result = self.poke(context) if poke_result: break if ( - started_at).total_seconds() > self.timeout: timeout_msg = 'Snap. Time is OUT.' if self.soft_fail: raise AirflowSkipException(timeout_msg) else: raise AirflowSensorTimeout(timeout_msg) else: self._send_notification(context, success=False) time.sleep(self.poke_interval) if self.last_notification is not None: # notify about success in case of previous warnings self._send_notification(context, success=True)'Success criteria met. Exiting.') return poke_result def poke(self, context): 'Poking for file: {} in {}'.format(self.path, self.conn_id)) if not self.conn: raise AirflowException( "Connection not found: `{}`".format(self.conn_id)) if self.conn.conn_type not in ["ftp", "s3"]: raise NotImplementedError( "Unsupported engine: `{}`".format(self.conn.conn_type)) if self.conn.conn_type == "ftp": hook = FTPHook(self.conn_id) try: path = self._get_ftp_path(self.path) last_modified = hook.get_mod_time(path) except Exception as e: msg = ('Error getting file modification time: {} ' '(The file most likely does not exist)' .format(e)) if self.modified: # looking for a new version of the file raise AirflowException(msg) else: # waiting for the file to appear logging.warning(msg) return False elif self.conn.conn_type == "s3": hook = S3Hook(self.conn_id) bucket, key = self._get_s3_path(self.path) fileobj = hook.get_bucket(bucket).get_key(key) if not fileobj: msg = 'The file does not exist' if self.modified: # looking for a new version of the file raise AirflowException(msg) else: # waiting for the file to appear return False def get_last_modified(fileobj): timestamp = fileobj.last_modified tformat = '%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z' dt = datetime.strptime(timestamp, tformat) t = time.strptime(timestamp, tformat) try: tz = timezone(t.tm_zone) except AttributeError: # tm_zone not set on t return dt else: dt_local = dt.replace(tzinfo=tz).astimezone() return dt_local.replace(tzinfo=None) last_modified = get_last_modified(fileobj) if not self.modified:'File found, last modified: {}' .format(last_modified.isoformat())) return last_modified "File last modified: {} (checking for {})".format( last_modified.isoformat(), self.modified.isoformat())) if last_modified > self.modified: return last_modified else: return False
class FTPDirSensor(FileSensor): def pre_execute(self, context): super(FTPDirSensor, self).pre_execute(context) self.dirpath = self.path def poke(self, context): hook = FTPHook(self.conn_id) dirpath = self._get_ftp_path(self.dirpath) files = hook.list_directory(dirpath) if len(files) == 0:'Directory {} is empty'.format(self.dirpath)) return False else: filepaths = [os.path.join(self.dirpath, f) for f in files] filemodts = { f: hook.get_mod_time(self._get_ftp_path(f)) for f in filepaths } self.path = sorted(filepaths, key=lambda f: filemodts[f])[-1] return super(FTPDirSensor, self).poke(context) def post_execute(self, context): super(FTPDirSensor, self).post_execute(context) context['ti'].xcom_push(key='remote_path', value=self.path)