Source code for airflow_plugins.operators.sensors.task_sensor

import logging
import pickle
from datetime import datetime, timedelta

from airflow.models import DagModel, TaskInstance
from airflow.operators.sensors import BaseSensorOperator
from airflow.settings import Session
from airflow.utils.decorators import apply_defaults
from airflow.utils.state import State

from airflow_plugins.operators.slack.notifications import send_notification

[docs]class TaskRuntimeSensor(BaseSensorOperator): """ Checks whether particular tasks are still running after a period of time and notify about them if so :param notify_after: Start sending notifications after given number of seconds (of runtime) :type notify_after: int (or timedelta) :param notify_delta: Time interval between successive notifications in seconds, defaults to one hour (60*60 seconds) :type notify_delta: int (or timedelta) :param start_wait: Wait at start for at least given number of seconds for tasks to be registered (set if this op runs continuously) :type start_wait: int (or timedelta) :param dag_ids: List of dag_ids determining target task instances, can be set as a mask (e.g. "kiwi_master" for all kiwi master dags) :type dag_ids: list :param task_ids: List of task_ids determining target task instances :type task_ids: list :param operator_ids: List of operators determining target task instances :type operator_ids: list :param include_subdags: Whether to include subdags of target dags (dag_ids) (i.e. "kiwi_master" to also match "kiwi_master.storyteller" tasks), default True (always True if dag_ids not set) :type include_subdags: bool :param check_execution_time: Whether to check task instance execution time, or wall clock time (time elapsed from midnight), default True :type check_execution_time: bool """ @apply_defaults def __init__( self, notify_after, notify_delta=60*60, start_wait=0, dag_ids=None, task_ids=None, operator_ids=None, include_subdags=True, check_execution_time=True, *args, **kwargs): super(TaskRuntimeSensor, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) if dag_ids is None and task_ids is None and operator_ids is None: raise ValueError( 'Provide at least one of `dag_ids`, `task_ids`, `operator_ids`' ' to determine the task instances to check.') self.include_subdags = include_subdags self.check_execution_time = check_execution_time self._init_target_variables(dag_ids=dag_ids, task_ids=task_ids, operator_ids=operator_ids) self._init_notification_variables(notify_after=notify_after, notify_delta=notify_delta, start_wait=start_wait) def _init_target_variables(self, **kwargs): for key, val in kwargs.items(): if val is not None: val = [_id.strip() for _id in val.split(',') if _id.strip()] setattr(self, key, val) def _init_notification_variables(self, **kwargs): self.last_notifications = {} # ti-specific last notification time for key, val in kwargs.items(): if isinstance(val, int): val = timedelta(seconds=val) setattr(self, key, val) def _get_target_dags(self): session = Session() active_dags = session.query(DagModel.dag_id).filter( DagModel.is_paused.is_(False)).all() if self.dag_ids is None: target_dags = active_dags # subdags always included else: target_dags = [ dag_id for dag_id in active_dags if True in [ dag_id.startswith(dag_id_mask) for dag_id_mask in self.dag_ids if (self.include_subdags or dag_id.count('.') == dag_id_mask.count('.')) ] ] return target_dags @staticmethod def _get_task_instance(key): TI = TaskInstance session = Session() # filter via key should uniquely indentify the instance tis = session.query(TI).filter(TI.dag_id == key[0], TI.task_id == key[1], TI.execution_date == key[2]) return tis.first() # returns None if no such TI found def _send_notification(self, ti, ti_key, finished=False): title = ti.task_id.upper() text = 'DAG: {}'.format(ti.dag_id) color = 'warning' if finished: title += ' finally finished (as {})'.format(ti.state) if ti.state == State.SUCCESS: title += ' :white_check_mark:' color = 'good' else: runtime = self.last_notifications[ti_key] title += ' is still running :redsiren:' text = 'Still not finished after {}'.format( str(runtime).split('.')[0]) + '\n' + text send_notification(ti.get_dagrun(), text, title, color) def pre_execute(self, context): self.save_path = '/tmp/{}.pkl'.format( '.'.join([self.__class__.__name__, context['ti'].dag_id, context['ti'].task_id])) try: with open(self.save_path, mode='rb') as f: save = pickle.load(f) if - save['timestamp'] < timedelta(hours=6): self.last_notifications = save['data'] except FileNotFoundError as e: logging.warning('Unable to load previous state: {}'.format(e)) for target_name, target in [ ('DAG', self.dag_ids), ('Task', self.task_ids), ('Operator', self.operator_ids), ]:'Poking for {}s: {}'.format( target_name, '--all--' if target is None else ', '.join(target) ))'Start notifying after {}, then periodically after {}' .format(self.notify_after, self.notify_delta)) def post_execute(self, context): save = { 'timestamp':, 'data': self.last_notifications, } try: with open(self.save_path, mode='wb') as f: pickle.dump(save, f) except Exception as e: logging.warning('Unable to save current state: {}'.format(e)) def poke(self, context): TI = TaskInstance session = Session() tis = session.query(TI) tis = tis.filter(TI.state.in_(State.unfinished())) tis = tis.filter(TI.dag_id.in_(self._get_target_dags())) if self.task_ids: tis = tis.filter(TI.task_id.in_(self.task_ids)) if self.operator_ids: # tis = tis.filter(TI.operator.in_(self.operator_ids)) pass # operator attribute might be None tis = tis.all() tis = [ti for ti in tis if ti.key != context['ti'].key] # exclude self tis = [ti for ti in tis if (ti.operator is None or self.operator_ids is None or ti.operator in self.operator_ids)] if len(tis) == 0 and len(self.last_notifications) == 0: return >= context['ti'].start_date + self.start_wait now = start_midnight = datetime.combine( context['ti'].start_date, datetime.min.time()) ti_keys = [(ti.dag_id, ti.task_id, ti.execution_date) for ti in tis] for ti, ti_key in zip(tis, ti_keys): if self.check_execution_time: start_date = ti.start_date else: start_date = start_midnight runtime = now - start_date if runtime >= self.notify_after: last_notification = self.last_notifications.get(ti_key) if (last_notification is None or runtime >= last_notification + self.notify_delta): self.last_notifications[ti_key] = runtime self._send_notification(ti, ti_key, finished=False) # tis previously notified about but not found anymore -- finished ti_keys_to_delete = set(self.last_notifications) - set(ti_keys) for ti_key in ti_keys_to_delete: ti = self._get_task_instance(ti_key) if ti is not None: # could be deleted from db (deleted via UI) self._send_notification(ti, ti_key, finished=True) del self.last_notifications[ti_key] # return len(self.last_notifications) == 0 return True # schedule regularly, always exit