Source code for airflow_plugins.operators.slack.sensors

from datetime import datetime

from airflow.operators.sensors import BaseSensorOperator
from airflow.utils.decorators import apply_defaults

from airflow_plugins.operators.slack.hooks import SlackHook

[docs]class SlackMessageSensor(BaseSensorOperator): """ Executes a HTTP get statement and returns False on failure: 404 not found or response_check function returned False :param http_conn_id: The connection to run the sensor against :type http_conn_id: string :param endpoint: The relative part of the full url :type endpoint: string :param params: The parameters to be added to the GET url :type params: a dictionary of string key/value pairs :param headers: The HTTP headers to be added to the GET request :type headers: a dictionary of string key/value pairs :param response_check: A check against the 'requests' response object. Returns True for 'pass' and False otherwise. :type response_check: A lambda or defined function. :param extra_options: Extra options for the 'requests' library, see the 'requests' documentation (options to modify timeout, ssl, etc.) :type extra_options: A dictionary of options, where key is string and value depends on the option that's being modified. """ msg_thanks = """ Thank you {author} ! and have a nice day. """ @apply_defaults def __init__(self, channel, username=None, text_contains=None, callback=None, params=None, headers=None, extra_options=None, *args, **kwargs): super(SlackMessageSensor, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) = channel self.username = username self.text_contains = text_contains self.params = params or {} self.headers = headers or {} self.extra_options = extra_options or {} self.slack = SlackHook( method='channels.history', def poke(self, context): = self.slack.get_channel_id( try: response = except Exception as e: raise e author = None since = self.dag.start_date if not since: since = since = since.timestamp() for msg in response['messages']: if msg['ts'] < since: continue if self.params['company'] in msg['text']: if 'file' in msg: f = self.slack.get_file_content( msg['file']['url_private_download']) author = msg['username'].split("|")[-1][0:-1] SlackHook(, text="I got your file %s ..." % f[:100]).run() SlackHook(, text=self.msg_thanks.format(author=author)).run() return True SlackHook(, text="Hey @everyone, I'm still waiting !").run() return False